Sunday, October 26, 2008


How would you like to get out of bed, make yourself a cup of coffee, and go to work in your jammies? That is my day, everyday, and I am as happy as a clam. Fact is that my office is in my home, and although it's very convenient that I can sit here in my jammies and not have to answer to anyone, the reality is sobering. If I don't get it done it doesn't get done. If I screw up there is no one to blame it on except me. If I don't earn the money, the electric gets turned off and there is no food to eat. 

There is a lot to be said about getting up and getting out. When I worked for someone else, it forced me to get up and BE SOMEWHERE at the same time everyday. It forced me to be civil very early in the morning, too. It forced me to be social with people I wouldn't ordinarily socialize with. It forced me to bank at certain hours and to organize my life around an activity that I wasn't loving. Last but not least, it forced me to buy gift wrap, candy, and cookware I didn't need, but was pressured into buying because my co-workers would bring their kids' fundraisers into work, not to mention giving money towards parties for co-workers I barely knew- to send them off into motherhood, retirement, or in some cases, their graves. There might be something to be said about working outside of the house, but really, not a whole lot to recommend it.